Senators Murray, Collins, Baldwin Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Reauthorize Important Substance Use Disorder Prevention Programs for Pregnant and Postpartum Women

Date: Nov. 30, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.

"When I was negotiating the SUPPORT Act, I traveled across Washington state to speak directly with health care professionals and families about what the opioid crisis was doing to their communities--and I heard firsthand about the effects the crisis was having on babies born to mothers battling substance use disorder. As the opioid epidemic continues to steal precious lives in Washington state and throughout our country, reauthorizing the SUPPORT Act--especially these programs dealing with prenatal and postpartum health--could not be more important. Our bipartisan legislation will extend the CDC's important work addressing the root causes of the opioid crisis and make sure pregnant women and mothers have the care and treatment necessary to treat addiction."
